Wednesday 19 November 2014

How To Organize Your Wardrobe

How To Organize Your Wardrobe
Hey girls, it's Hanna.

Today I will give you some tips on organizing your wardrobe/closet. This tips are also helpful if you are changing your summer clothes with winter ones.

 ðŸ‘  Take out all of your clothes.

 ðŸ‘  Put everything into three piles: donate to charity, keep or throw away.

 ðŸ‘  Put everything you are throwing away/donating to charity into bags and put them to one side of the room.

 ðŸ‘  Take all of the clothes you are keeping and sort them into clean and dirty. Wash what is dirty and fold or hang up what is clean!

 ðŸ‘  Take all of the clothes you are keeping and sort them into sections of your wardrobe. If you have a clothes rail, you may want to colour coordinate everything, (Black with black, pink with pink, Etc.) If you have a wardrobe with sections you could fold T-shirts and put things that won't hang on hangers into the sections. If it's a set hang the shirt and pant on the same hanger.

 ðŸ‘  Move onto shoes and accessories. Most accessories like belts/scarves will hang up on hangers with other clothing items. Shoes can be put into sections of the wardrobe or on the floor of the wardrobe, or you could put them into a shoe holder if you have one.

More tips:

 ðŸ‘  Try and make everything fit in your closet you don't want to have a dumping area for clothes.

 ðŸ‘  You could build a shelf into your wardrobe to store make-up, books, Etc.

 ðŸ‘  If you have any blankets/bedding then you could also put them into sections of the wardrobe, or leave a basket/box on the wardrobe floor and store them in there.

 ðŸ‘  You can buy cheap section hangers you hang from the clothes rail in your wardrobe. These are pretty cheap to buy and are great for shoes, accessories or other items such as books or jewellery boxes.

 And that's it! Hope it helps.


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