Friday 28 November 2014

Winter Date Ideas

Winter Date Ideas

Hi girls, it's Tijana! So I love winter dates! They are so cute and sweet! If you want to see what are the best places and ideas for a winter date, keep reading.


1. Ice skating
My personal favorite. It's fun, cute and it will make the both of you laugh. When you fall, he can help you to stand up, you can hold his hand if you're not very good at ice skating... It's so romantic, right?

2. A walk on the snow
This date idea is great if you want to talk with him a lot. Walk with him in a quiet park while the snowflakes fall on your hair, sit on a bench and watch the stars. Maybe you'll be cold, and he'll give you his scarf. Just imagine it!

3. Snowball fight
This is a great idea if you're planing a double date.
You and him, against your friend and her boyfriend.
It will be amazing, and eveyone is going to have a great time :)

4. Movie night
Movie night at your house is an idea for a long time relationship. You can get a few Christmas movies, some popcorn or candy, a blanket, and you're done! You will bond and have fun!

5. New Year
This date is just for the New Year's Eve! If you're not going to spend New Year with your family, go on a date! You can watch fireworks together, and don't forget about that midnight kiss ;)

6. Hot chocolate
If you want a simple, classic date, just get a cup of hot chocolate, sit on a bench and talk. That brings us to the idea no. 2 - a walk on the snow. Or you can just sit in a coffee shop.

That's all! Comment what's your favorite idea! And sorry 'cause the tip is kind od short, but I still hope it will help :) Good luck with your date, have fun!

Lots of love,

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