Monday, 25 August 2014

Studying Tips

Studying Tips

Hey guys, it's Hanna.

School time will be here faster than you know it and this year you will have to study harder than ever. Here are a few tips on studying!

✍ Find The PERFECT Study Place !
Sometimes studying at a desk, or table could be uncomfortable. Probably your bed or a floor with pillows and blankets is the best spot. The more comfortable you can be , the better.

Distractions are the WORST while studying. You need to block them ALL out, wither its your phone , tv , iPod , ect. You cannot let it distract you. Maybe leave your phone in a different room or turn it off. Keep that TV off ! And the most painful.. unless you need it for studying, get off the internet and turn off the computer.

✍ Listen To MUSIC!
Set the mood a little bit. Listen to calm relaxing music or anything that works for you. Be sure to not make music a distraction.

✍ BRAIN Food!
Brain food is food that is healthy. Eat healthy snacks while studying. Unhealthy food like chips will make you loose your focus. Try Pretzels with Peanut Butter and Jelly or Greek Yoghurt with fruit.

✍ HIGHLIGHT Important Information!
Highlight can be the most amazing thing ever! I love highlighters because they are so bright and pretty and fun to use. Remember to highlight only important information because when you look through your notes, you know what to study.

Sometimes nothing works better than good old fashioned flash cards. Not only are you studying by looking through the cards but you are also memorizing the information while writing down that information.

✍ Ask for HELP!
If you truly need help , just ask for it. But don't use someone else trying to "help you" as a distraction because you will regret it later. Before you ask, try your best to find the answer or resolution.

✍ Frequent BREAKS!
Taking frequent breaks could help you a lot. Study for about 45 minutes then take a 15 minute break. On this break you can actually take the distractions back and go on them ( phone , computer , watching TV, ect.) On these breaks you can have snacks ( you can also snack while studying ) But remember Study for 45, Break for 15.

That's about it and I hope this helps you with your studying and getting better grades!


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