Monday, 25 August 2014

How To Act Classy

How To Act Classy

Hey guys, it's Hanna again.

This is the last one out of three sets about being classy. Here are a few tips on acting classy.

❁ Be authentic. If you have class, live in a way of which you should be proud. If you have to be phony and deceptive then you should consider why. A person of honor and integrity never needs to hide behind a facade. If you can't show your true self to the world then who will people see? Just stop pretending. Though you may be tired of hearing that you should "be yourself," it's really true. If you're faking it, you'll never make it.

❁ Be independent. You must be courteous, but do not bend over backward to please others. If you do, you may find yourself being taken advantage of in the future. Limit your time and availability and draw boundaries with others so that they are aware of your limits. Do your own thing and get some "me time" to figure out who you really are instead of being obsessed with always having plans is very classy.

❁ Be assertive. Avoid passive-aggressive thinking; it's likely to trip you up eventually. Assertiveness demonstrates maturity, thoughtfulness, and confidence. Class requires balance, and assertiveness is a prime example of this concept.

❁ Don't feign knowledge. When your group or date is speaking about a subject you don't know or understand it is prudent to either state that you don't know much about the subject at hand, or if you want to carry the conversation, ask for more information about the subject. Not only does this show maturity, but it also shows that you are keeping an open mind.

❁ Treat others the way you would want to be treated. The Golden Rule truly is a time honored guide for treating adults and children with class. Giving others advance notice before cancelling dinner invitations, speaking up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, calling your parents to update them on yourself, checking in with friends; these are all simple gestures that demonstrate your class and authenticity.

❁ Be open to personal development. Do not berate yourself, but be receptive to constructive change. In our world, change is inevitable. Be a positive and flexible part of it and show others the way as well. Face life rather than burying your head in the sand and others will know instinctively that you are someone whose opinion counts.

❁ Be knowledgeable and aware. It is wise to become politically, culturally, and religiously aware. Even the most basic knowledge can save a person from embarrassment and awkwardness. If you know in advance that you will be spending time with someone of an unfamiliar background, it is a good idea to do more in-depth research to avoid embarrassing faux pas.

❁ Know when to ask for help, but avoid desperate behavior. This is the kiss of death for the classy person. Only desperate times call for desperate measures. Take a deep breath, be strong, and move through the situation with elegance and grace. You will be the victor for it, no matter the outcome. If things get out of hand and you feel completely overwhelmed, ask for help from a close friend or family member.

❁ Be responsible. Classy people leave their surroundings in a condition at least as good as they found them. Unless they are in a restaurant with wait staff whose job it is to do the clearing up, classy people insist on taking care of their own trash and baggage, not expecting others to pick up after them. And when others do favors for them, while stuck-up or spoiled people assume it's only to be expected and ignore others' assistance, truly classy people are quick to notice and to express their gratitude and their appreciation.

❁ Be considerate. Truly classy people instinctively recoil at the thought of inconveniencing others, offending them, getting in other peoples' way, or in any way making nuisances of themselves. Classy people are all about minding their own business when among strangers and putting others at ease when in social situations. Truly classy people are gracious and affable to everyone, whether the CEO, the mail carrier, or the custodian.

❁ Keep the promiscuity to a minimum. If you want to be classy, then you shouldn't go hooking up with random people every night. And if that's your thing, at least don't talk about it, brag about it, or walk around with lots of visible hickeys. Classy people don't kiss and tell, so don't divulge the details of your latest hook up session. Don't let people see you making out on the dance floor either, because guess what, that is not classy.

❁ Have good manners. Say, "Yes, Mam," "No, Sir," and "thank you" as often as you can. Be polite to your elders. If you have to sneeze, sneeze into a tissue, not the air. Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve. Don't pick food out of your teeth in public. Generally, don't put your finger into your mouth or nose. Acquire at least basic table manners. Put a napkin on your lap before you eat a nice meal. Avoid scratching yourself in public. Don't brush your hair in public, apply make up in public, or pick at your clothes in public. Do these things in privacy; wait until you've found a bathroom or are alone. Don't break out in boisterous laughter.

❁ Be a classy drinker. Don't get so wasted that you have no idea what happened the night before. That means no blacking out -- and even no browning out. Keep your control; people should see you looking in charge of your own mind and body. If people see you stumbling around and slurring your speech at night, then there's no way people will think you're classy even if you're carrying around textbooks and looking classy during the day.

And that are all my tips on acting classy. Hope this helps you guys.

How To Look Classy:
How To Sound Classy:


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