Wednesday, 29 October 2014

My morning routine for school!

My morning routine for school!

Hey guys it's Charlie!
This is my morning routine for school in spring!

1. My alarm goes off at 6:10 and I snooze it until I wake up at 6:50.
2. I get changed.
3. I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth, wash my face then put on moisturiser and sunscreen.
4. I go into my room to do my makeup. When I go to school I only wear mascara and sometimes I wear concealer.
5. I do my hair. This is usually taking out a french braid from the previous night and wearing it down or putting it into a ponytail.
6. I go down stairs to make lunch and eat breakfast.
7. I go back to my room and pack my back for the day according on the subjects that I have.
8. I leave the house at 7:35 to walk to the bus stop and go to school.

So that's pretty much it. It does vary depending on the day and sometimes I wake up earlier/later which means that it's a bit different.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Love Charlie

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