Sunday, 26 October 2014

My morning routine! Fall 2014

My morning routine! Fall 2014

Hi guys! Tijana here! I'm sorry I haven't been posting a while, I was really busy with school! But now I'm back with a tip where you will see my morning routine! (+ some tips). Let's start...


 | 8:40 - 9:00 |
My alarm wakes me up at 8:40. I give myself 20 minutes before I start doing my homework. In those 20 minutes I finish my morning hygiene, check my Pinterest or Instagram, and make a nice breakfast.

 | 9:00 - 10:30 |
I do my homework for about an hour and a half. It's important to be organized, so I usually make a plan for studying. Also, I never study at night (because it's very hard for me to concentrate then), and that's why a studying plan helps me so much.

 | 10:30 - 10:40 |
When I finish with my homework, I pick an outfit. Since it's fall, I just pick a long sleeve shirt, a pair of leggings, boots and a jacket.

 |10:40 - 10:50 |
Then, I pack some things in my school bag. Along with the books I need, in my bag there is always a snack (usually a bag of cookies), a wallet, my phone and a cute pencil case.

 | 11:30 - 12:40 |
After that, I go to my best friend's house where we make ourselves a lunch.
We read a magazine and listen to music. At 12:40 we meet our friends and then we go to school together.

* Hope you liked my morning routine! I will be making more tips because I don't have a lot of studying to do! :)

Lots of love!

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